Certifications and performance

TEHNIC-ASIST invests in quality… and cares for the environment

We maintain an integrated management system for quality, environment, occupational health and safety as required by the standards: SR EN ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001: 2005 and OHSAS 18001: 2008.
TEHNIC-ASIST carefully delineates the activities that require special care to protect the environment, while performing actions to prevent pollution resulted from waste or emissions that could arise from construction activities.

Since 2004 the company has implemented an environmental management system, ISO 14001 which is constantly monitored and it selected suppliers specialized in the distribution of substances based on cationic emulsions that do not harm the environment, CE certified.
TEHINC-ASIST technical development in recent years has led to the first places in Botosani profile top companies, receiving the diploma of excellence Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Botosani.
Nationally, the company TEHNIC-ASIST Botosani appearing on position 9 in the Top 100 General Construction Contractors in Romania - according to the classification developed by IBC Focus in the fifth edition in 2015. The top was made taking into account three main criteria: revenues in contracting works and / or subcontracting 2014, the number of construction projects related to value their assets and financial data recorded in 2014.

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